Monday, January 12, 2015

INDEX to 'Elijah's Notes on the Bible'

Gen. 1:2*
What is the "Spirit of God" as mentioned at Gen. 1:2?

Gen. 1:16
Gen. 1:16: It is claimed that God made the stars on the 4th day 4. Is this true?

Gen. 1:26*
Gen. 1:26: How is Man Created in The image of God?
How can Jehovah's Witnesses explain the "us" in the verse below since they say Trinitarianism isn't scriptural?
Does Genesis 1:26 point to a double creation of man? 
Jehovah is Jesus.................?

Gen. 2:2*
Why would Jehovah need to rest? 

Gen. 2:17
Gen. 2:17 - Did God Lie When He Said That Adam and Eve Would Die the Day They Ate the Fruit When They Actually Died Hundreds of Years Later?

Gen. 2:19
Why are there two different versions of the creation story in Genesis?

Gen. 3:19
What does Gen. 3:19 mean? "...For dust you are and to dust you will return.”

Gen. 3:22
Gen. 3:22 - Who is the "us" as stated by God at Genesis 3:22?

Gen. 6:2
Gen. 6:2 - Who were the "Sons of God" as Mentioned in This Scriptural Passage? 

Gen. 19:24*
Jehovah Witness' How do you explain 2 members of Trinity in Gen 19:24? 1/12

Gen. 2:23,24*
How could the biblical Adam speak of mothers and fathers if he never had one? 5/11

Gen. 19:24
It is consistent with Hebrew idiom to speak of a person’s doing something in reference to himself. 4/12

Ex. 3:14*
What is the meaning of God's name? (Not original wording) 1/12
Is Exodus 3:14 being accurately translated into English in the KJV and others that use "I AM"? (Not original wording) 9/11
What is the meaning of ehyeh? (Not original wording) 3/11

Deut. 22:5*
Do you understand the meaning of Deuteronomy 22:5 (About not wearing clothing of the opposite sex)? 12/11

Deut 22:24*
What was the punishment for rape according to the Mosaic Law? 1/12

Deut 34:10*
It says that the LORD knew Moses face to face. What does that mean? 3/12

1 Kings 8:1
It is consistent with Hebrew idiom to speak of a person’s doing something in reference to himself. 4/12

1 Kings 10:13
It is consistent with Hebrew idiom to speak of a person’s doing something in reference to himself. 4/12

Job 1:4*
Why do Jehovah's Witness's not celebrate Birthdays yet Job did in The Bible? 2/12
Why is it that "certain people" try to use Job 1:4 for justification of annually celebrating birthdays? 11/11

Job 1:6
When Satan was thrown out of Heaven, was that before or after his talk with God in the book of Job? 2/11

Job 2:1
When Satan was thrown out of Heaven, was that before or after his talk with God in the book of Job? 2/11

Job 40:17*
Is Behemoth a dinosaur? Is this based on Job 40:17 only? 12/11

Ps. 22:1
How does Jesus saying "my God my God why have you forsaken me" just before he died show that he is not God? 4/12

Ps. 45:6*
Trinitarians what is your understanding of Psalms 45:6 (NIV)? 5/11
Why dont Jehovah Witnesses believe Jesus is God, if God calls him God in the bible? 3/11

Ps. 83:18*
Christians, in Psalms 83:18, who is it referring to? 9/11

Psalm 89:27
Christians, what does it mean for Jesus to be the first born of all creation? 12/12

Ps. 110:1*
At Psalms 110:1 we read) Of David. A psalm. The LORD says to my Lord:? 2/12
If Jesus is God, then why is he at God's right hand? (Not original wording) 9/11

Prov. 8:22-30*
Jehovah's Witnesses (& others): Explain this scripture? 3/11

Eccl. 9:7*
Ecclesiastes 9:7 Drink your wine with a merry heart? 11/11

Eccl. 12:7
Question on Ecclesiastes 12:7: What exactly, is the spirit that returns to God at death? 7/12

Isa. 9:6*
How would a jahova witness explain Isaiah 9:6? Or can they? 10/11
How does the title “Mighty God” apply to Jesus Christ? 5/11
Even though Jesus is referred to as a mighty God, what shows that he is not Almighty God? 5/11

Isa. 11:7*
Lion Eat Straw (Not original wording) 1/12

Isa. 40:22*
Isaiah 40:22 says the earth is a circle so who would know the shape of the earth back then? 9/11

Isa. 43:10*
Would Jesus qualify on the merits of Isa. 43:10? Jehovah's people are His witnesses and Jesus also? 2/12
Which Worldwide Religion Bears God's Name 'Jehovah'?

Isa. 43:11*
Ok Jehovah witnesses how can Jesus be our Savior? 3/12

Hab. 1:12*
If God can not die , why did Jesus die? 8/12
If Jesus is God, how then could God die? God can't die, right? (not original wording) 11/11

Mt. 1:22,23*
The scripture in Matthew 1:22, 23, does it imply Jesus is God? 4/11
Does Matthew 1:23 indicate that Jesus when on earth was God? 1 year ago

Mt. 3:16*
Did the Holy Spirit descend as a dove or like a dove ? 3/11

Mt. 5:5*
If we go to heaven when we die, then what is Matt. 5:5 implying? 1ya

Mt. 5:43,44*
Did Jesus mean to love your enemies in the sense to pray for them to turn around? (Not original wording) 5/11

Mt. 7:13,14*
Jesus predicted that FEW would find the road to life, why is that? 10/11

Mt. 18:11*
Is it true JW's have removed books and/or scriptures from the bible canon? 3/11

Mt. 22:24*
So when Jesus quotes Ps. 110:1 by saying, "The LORD said to my Lord", 1ya

Mt. 24:3
What is the significance of the word "presence" at Matthew 24:3? (12/12)

Mt. 23:14*
Is it true JW's have removed books and/or scriptures from the bible canon? 3/11

Mt. 24:14*
Who is preaching the gospel of Gods kingdom ? Christians ? How? 1/13
What is the "good news described in Matt. 24:14? What is it talking about? (Not original wording) 3/12
Jesus did not specifically say that every man, woman and child on earth will have the good news preached to? (Not original wording) 3/12
Who is preaching the gospel of Gods kingdom ? Christians ? How? 2/12

Mt. 24:36*
Those of you who be live in the Trinity 4/11
Trinitarians why did Jesus omit the Holy Spirit? 1 year ago
There are many things mentioned in the Bible that Jesus admitted that he did not know but only God does. 2ya

Mt. 24:37*
"Just like the days of Noah were, so the coming of the Son of Man will be." Is there going to be another flood that wipes the earth of human-life? (Not original wording) 3/11

Matt 24:40-42*
JW's: Do you believe in the "rapture"? 10/11

Mt. 26:26
Take, eat. This means my body.’ 8/12

Mt. 27:46
How does Jesus saying "my God my God why have you forsaken me" just before he died show that he is not God? 4/12

Mt. 28:19*
What did you find out about these three before being Baptized ? 2/13
Mt. 28:19 is extremely weak trinitarian "evidence". (Not original wording) 2/12
How can Jehovah's Witnesses explain the next verse below since they say Trinitarianism isn't scriptural? 12/11
Does Matthew 28:19 simply describe the one name of the one God? 9/11
Trinitarians seem to think that the few scriptures that happen to mention the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in one breath somehow means that they are the same person... (Not original wording) 8/11
Does this verse *really* say the Father, the Son, and the holy spirit are three persons who constitute the one Most High God? (Not original wording) 1 year ago

Mark 10:18*
Why did Jesus not put himself in the category with God? 2/12
If Jesus isnt God, then does this mean that he isn't good? (Not original wording; Also see Luke 18:19) 6/11

Mark 15:34
How does Jesus saying "my God my God why have you forsaken me" just before he died show that he is not God? 4/12

Luke 9:26*
Paraphrasing a trinitarian's case for Mt. 28:19, Luke 9:26 is also... (Not original wording) 2/12

Luke 16:19-31
Jehovah's Witnesses: the Rich man and Lazarus..? 8/13

Luke 17:36*
Is it true JW's have removed books and/or scriptures from the bible canon? 3/11

Luke 18:19*
If Jesus isnt God, then does this mean that he isn't good? (Not original wording; Also see Mark 10:18) 6/11

Luke 19:40*
Will God have to have the stones cry out? 3/12

Luke 23:43*
Why do Jehovah's Witnesses translate Luke 23:43 as "Truly I tell you today, . . . "? 12/11
Why did Jesus tell the thief next to him that on that day he would be with him in paradise? 11/11
Jehovah's Witnesses: Is It True That You Place Punctuation In Your NWT To Support Your Own Teachings? 2/11

John 1:1*
Did John at JOHN 1:1,2 mean that Jesus was God but not God Almighty Jehovah ? 8/13
In The Bible what is John 1:1? 7?13
Can you please explain this Verse for me - John 1:1? 3/13
Who is the Word at John 1:1? 9/12
Notice, too, how other translations render John 1:1 as "a God" or it's equivalent: 8/12
Christians...what does Coptic John 1:1 mean to You? 1/12
John 1.1 why did jehovah witnesses edit it so that it looks as if jesus wasnt god....strange..? 11/11
Has the NWT been changed to suit Jehovah's Witnesses? 11/11
How can John 1:1 be right when it says that the Word was WITH God and the Word was God? 8/11
A number of respected *trinitarian* scholars who have admitted that "the Word was *a* god". (Not original wording) 5/11
According to the bible God has no beginning so what beginning is John 1:1 talking about ? 5/11
According to the bible God has no beginning so what beginning is John 1:1 talking about? 1 year ago

Only two subjects are mentioned here...not three. ALSO, in New Testament Greek, the language does have a definite article ("the"), but it does *not* have an indefinite article ("a" or an"). (Not original wording) 5/11

John 1:14*
John 1:14 & 1:18 If Jesus is God how can V14 be supported by V18? 12/11

John 1:18
Why do Jehovah's Witnesses call Jesus the only-begotten (uniquely created) god? 7/13
John 1:14 & 1:18 If Jesus is God how can V14 be supported by V18? 12/11*
No man has seen God at any time; the only-begotten god who is in the bosom isition] with the Father is the? 11/11*
In the past people already seen Jesus , but Jehovah God? 8/11*
No man has actually seen the very person of God (Not original wording; #3 of answer) 5/11*
This Scripture shows that Jesus is not God in three different ways. (Not original wording) 5/11
First, John tells us that no man has ever seen God. Second, anything that is "begotten" is something that at one time did not exist and then was brought into existence. (Monogenes examined) 2ya*

John 3:3
Jehovah's Witnesses, in the Book of John, we read in John 3:3 that we must be born again to see the Kingdom? 11/11

John 3:16
How can Jesus be ' God ' if this Scripture already wrote? 1/12
JOhn 3:16 - How many Christians know that this is mistranslated? - The word "Begotton" DOES NOT APPEAR in any orginal manuscript.. 9/11

John 5:18*
The Jews accused Jesus of claiming to be equal to God ,if Jesus was God why did he defend himself against it ? 3/12

Jehovah's witnesses only : additional info on John 5:18? 2/11
Trinitarians how do you understand John 5:18? 2/11

John 5:23*
JW's, do you honour Christ "JUST AS" you honour God? 6/11

John 6:57*
What did Jesus mean when He said, "I live because of the Father." -- John 6:57, NIV? 2/11

John 6:64*
Jesus knew Judas would betray him , so Judas was set up , Judas had no free will? 2ya

John 6:68*
Jehovah's Witnesses, why did "many" of Jesus' disciples stop following him? 1 year ago

John 8:42*
How did the Father send me & testify he sent me if I am he ? 11/11

John 8:58*
Why did the Jews want to stone Jesus for saying, "Before Abraham was, I Am"? 8/13
What is the correct translation of John 8:58? 12/11
Was Paul claiming to be God when he said literally "I am the I am" (Greek: "eimi ho eimi") in 1 Cor. 15:10? 12/11
What did Jesus mean when he said this in the Gospel of John? 5/11
Are the capitol letters put they to deceive people into thinking Jesus was saying he was God or quoting from Exodus 3:14 ? (1 YA; Not original wording)

John 10:30*
I & the Father are one . One what ? 1/13
In John 10:30, Jesus tells us that he and the Father are one? 12/11
R&S! In what Way is the word "One" meant at John 10:30? 12/11
John 10:30 and the Trinity, many times it is cited as a proof text......? 11/11
WHY do many people erroneously insist that John 10:30 means something that THE BIBLE shows it DOES NOT mean? 2/11

John 10:38*
How exactly does John 10:38 prove the Trinity? 1/12

John 12:49
At John 12:49 we read: because I have not spoken out of my own impulse, but the Father himself who sent me? 5/11

John 14:6
How do you come to the Father through Jesus if he is the Father ? 2/12

John 14:7, 9*
If someone is "in" someone else does this really mean that they ARE that person? (not original wording) 3/12
Okay, so has anyone seen the Father or has no one ever seen the Father. Which is it? 5/11

John 14:28*
John 14:28 3/13
If the Trinity is all three perfectly equal - then can you explain John 14:28? 2/11
How is God Equal to Jesus, when Jesus said, "The Father is greater than I." - John 14:28 2/11

John 17:3
TRINATARIANS: Can you explain why Jesus differentiates himself from God in John 17:3? 1/12
In John 17:3 Jesus adresses his Father as "the only true God"--What kind of "God" is Jesus? 5/11
For God to be mentioned as the "true" God does not demand that all others called `god' or `gods' are false gods. (Not original wording) 1 year ago
What does John 17:3 mean to you? 3/11*

John 20:28*
When Thomas said "My Lord and my God"? 11/11
John 20:28 Thomas said to him, "My Lord and my God!" Proof of the trinity ?

Acts 2:32-36
Who resurrected Jesus -- He himself, or his Father? 7/12

Acts 2:33 American Standard Bible says) Being therefore by the right hand of God exalted,? 2/12
If Jesus is God, then why is he at God's right hand? (Not original wording) 9/11
Why did Jesus born and die , but why God didn't born and die? 5/11
Jesus-is-God believers really need to examine this verse. (Not original wording) 2/11

Acts 5:31
Does this verse Attack the trinity? 8/11

Acts 7:59
Does Acts 7:59 prove Jesus is God? 5/11

Acts 10:38
Does Acts 10:38 imply God is Jesus? 3/11

Acts 10:45
"If" the Holy spirit is a person, why does Acts 10:44-45? 11/11

Acts 15:14
Who is the nation whose God is Jehovah? 1/12

Rom. 8:16
Notice how the holy spirit is called an "it" at Rom. 8:16? (Not original wording) 1/12

1 Cor. 8:6
Christians: Why Does The Bible Describe All Things As Originating FROM God, But Coming THROUGH Christ? 10/11

1 Cor. 11:3
1 Cor. 11:3 - "The Head of Christ is God."

1 Cor. 15:28
If Jesus is God,why does he have to subject himself? 12/11

2 Cor. 3:17
Occasionally, 2 Cor. 3:17 used as evidence that the Holy Spirit is a person who is God: "The Lord is the Spirit." 2ya

2 Cor. 4:4
Why do you think the phrase god of the world refers to Satan (2 Corinthians 4:4)? 11/11
2 Cor. 4:4 - "Christ, who is the image [eikon] of God".  (Not original wording) 3/11

2 Cor. 5:19
Christians: Please explain 2 Corinthians 5:19 and why Paul did not call Jesus God? 3/12

2 Cor. 13:14
Christian (Pagans): In this scripture who is God? 9/1
Trinitarians seem to think that the few scriptures that happen to mention the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in one breath somehow means that they are the same person... (Not original wording) 8/11
This Scripture phrases God as someone entirely separate from those two! (Not original wording; SECOND PART of answer) 5/11
Does this verse *really* say the Father, the Son, and the holy spirit are three persons who constitute the one Most High God? (Not original wording) 1 year ago

Eph. 1:17
Who placed all things under his feet & made him head over the Church if he is God ? 10/11

Eph. 4:30 links 9/12

Phil. 2:5-7
Non-trinitarians & JWs, what did Jesus mean when he didn't think it would be robbery to be equal with God? 8/13
What does this Scripture mean to you? 2/12
Why was Jesus exalted to a superior position by Jehovah God, his God? 11/11

Col. 1:15
JW's: How can you believe that Jesus is the firstborn of all creation if it's not true? 8/13
According to the Bible, who is the "first-born of Creation" ? 1/13
How can Jesus be God when Col. 1:15 says that "He [Jesus] is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation"? (Not original wording) 4/11
Why doesn't the Sahidic Coptic text see a "genitive of subordination" at Colossians 1:15? 2/11

Col. 1:16,17
Do Jehovah Witnesses teach that Jesus Christ was created? (2nd part of answer) 5/11
Does it matter that the NWT put "[other]" in brackets in Col. 1:16? 5/11

Col. 1:19
Whose fullness ? His Sons or his own fullness ? 8/12

Christians: Please explain 2 Corinthians 5:19 and why Paul did not call Jesus God? 3/12

Col. 2:9
In Bibles that use the word "Godhead"? 8/13
Does Col 2:9 prove the trinity is correct? 2/11

1 Thess. 5:3
Among the many Bible prophecies concerning the end of this system of things is the one recorded at 1 Thessalon? 12/11

1 Tim. 2:5
How do you come to the Father through Jesus if he is the Father ? 2/12

1 Tim. 2:9,10
Based on the passage in the Bible about modesty, do woman have to be covered from head to toe? 7/12

1 Tim. 2:12
What do you women think of this verse from the New Testament? Do you think it's offensive to your gender? 10/12

1 Tim. 3:16
Jehovah's Witnesses, why do bibles say "God manifest in the flesh" when referring to Jesus? 12/11

Tit. 2:13
Jehovah's Witnesses: Why did the translators of the NWT purposely...? 8/13

Heb. 1:8
Trinitarians what is your understanding of Psalms 45:6 (NIV)? 5/11
Why dont Jehovah Witnesses believe Jesus is God, if God calls him God in the bible? 3/11

Heb. 1:14
What are some signs or hints that your Guardian Angel is there? 3/11

Heb. 2:10
Why did God have to make Jesus perfect ? 4/12

Hebrews 5:7-9
If Jesus is God and God is Almighty, how could he LEARN OBEDIENCE? 1/12
Catholic trinity believers and others? 1 year ago

2 Pet. 3:10
The Bible talks about a new Heaven and a new Earth. Does this mean? 6/12

What are the "elements" spoken of in 2 Peter 3:10? 2/12

1 John 4:12
In the past people already seen Jesus , but Jehovah God? 8/11

1 John 5:7
If there are 3 in heaven that bear record & they are one , is their really only one who bears record ? 1/12
Alright JW's why do you deny the trinity and phisical resurrection? 12/11
Does 1 John 5:7 refute the Jehovah's Witnesses' claim about the Triune GOD isn't biblical? 12/11
Is this 1 John 5:7 in a Jehovah's Witnesses bible? 11/11
Does 1 John 5:6-8 Imply God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one? 5/11
The soundness of the Trinity doctrine should certainly be in question when the closest Scripture to even come close to describing the Trinity is actually phony. (Not original wording) 1 year ago

1 John 5:20
How do Jehovah's Witnesses accurately explain 1 John 5:20--supporting Jesus Christ as God? 1/13

Rev. 1:8
Jehovah’s Witnesses: Who is the “Alpha and Omega” described in your NWT, Revelation 1 v. 8? 2/11

Rev. 3:14
Jehovah's Witnesses, what do scholars say about Jesus & "The Beginning of the Creation of God"? 2/11

Rev. 7:4-8
Why are the 12 tribes of Israel different in the OT than in the NT? 9/11

Rev. 14:10, 11
Jehovah's Witnesses: What is your understanding of the following verses? 9/11

Rev. 12:9
Could Satan's being cast out of heaven have happened as far back as the time of Job?
What are your views on this scripture? 1ya

Revelation 20:10
Jehovah's Witnesses: What is your understanding of the following verses? 9/11

Rev. 20:14
Is the " Lake of Fire" literal, and if it is- how is Satan & death going to be destroyed by literal fire? 8/12

If hell is a place for eternal torment, how can death and hell be thrown into a lake of fire? 5/11

Rev. 21:6
Jehovah’s Witnesses: Who is the “Alpha and Omega” described in your NWT, Revelation 1 v. 8? 2/11

Rev. 22:13
Jehovah’s Witnesses: Who is the “Alpha and Omega” described in your NWT, Revelation 1 v. 8? 2/11


Why do some people take issue with only 144,000 being given the privilege of going to heaven,of being with God? (esp. 1st par.) 9/12
144,000 is a literal number and the 144,000 are not only made up of *literal* Jews and only men. 3/12
Jehovah's Witnesses,is the number of 144,000, a "literal Number"? 1/12
If your are a Jehovah's Witness... PLEASE HELP!!? 12/11
Why are the 12 tribes of Israel different in the OT than in the NT? (Rev. 7:4-8) 9/11
Do All Good People Go to Heaven?  (Not original wording) 5/11
How many will go to heaven and what will happen with the rest of humans? 5/11
Do Jehovah Witnesses believe that only 144,000 are going to Heaven? 5/11
Do Humans Become Angels When They Die? 5/11
"Is it true that you must be Jewish to be a part of God's 144,000 chosen?" 2/11

Jehovahs Witnesses,do you know anybody who ever died at Armageddon? 12/11*

I realised the Jehovah's Witnesses where a false religion in 1975 so I left ? 1/12*

End of the World...Again? 5/12

Is 12/21/2012 the end of the world? serious answers please? 1/12
Do you believe the world will end in 2012? 12/11
Show us where in the Bible or some other book, that it says that 2012 is the year of destruction? 2/11

Some respected scientists say that even a “simple” cell is far too complex to have arisen by chance on earth. 7/13
Did you know why living cells could not form by themselves? 2/12*
Is there any place on earth that real life is being generated from non-living matter -abiogenesis? 1/12

What are the christian views on abortion? 11/11
Jehovah's Witness view on abortion ? 5/11

Adam and Eve
What language did Adam & Eve speak? 3/12
Didn't Adam and Eve have to already know bad in order to sin? (Not original wording) 6/11
Did Adam and Eve know right from wrong? 1 year ago
What did the tree of "the knowledge of good and bad" symbolize? (Not original wording) 5/11
Weren't Adam and Eve plant eaters before they left Garden of Eden? 1/12
Is belief in Adam and Eve being real people essential to being a good Christian? Why or Why not? 12/11
How can christians deny that gods design of adam and eve was imperfect? 11/11
Even when Adam and Eve's story is allegory, why people still believe it to be literal? 11/11
Why did god kick adam and eve out? 10/11
How did the bible writers know about adam and eve if they werent in the beginning? 10/11
Should Adam and Eve be cursed in hell for eternity for ruining Instant paradise for everyone by default? 10/11
Before Adam and Eve ate the apple, did they really not notice that they were naked? 8/11
How could the biblical Adam speak of mothers and fathers if he never had one? 5/11
Were Adam and Eve most likely black, white, brown, what? 2/11
Did the people at the time of the flood know who Adam and Eve were? (Not original wording) 2/11
Why do people believe that Eve was created from one of Adam's RIBS? (NOW) 1YA

Afterlife Experiences
Well, Christians, there is yet another "afterlife story" in the news. Do you think this guy really? 12/11*
Who's right about death: Jesus or the book Heaven Is for Real about a little boy? 11/11

Ecclesiastes 9:7 Drink your wine with a merry heart? 11/11

Jehovah's Witnesses, What star system did your early church leaders believe Jehovah lived on? What year? 12/11

Is Allah God and Jehovah God sapose to be the same God? 5/12

Christians do you consider your God the same as "Allah"? 11/11

Aliens (Extraterrestrial Life)
Just curious about religious views and aliens? 11/11
What do Jehovah's Witnesses believe in regards to extraterrestrial life? 2/11

Alpha and Omega
Jehovah’s Witnesses: Who is the “Alpha and Omega” described in your NWT, Revelation 1 v. 8? 2/11

Where in the bible did it say that the angels turned bad and the rest remained faithful? (Not origianl wording) 11/11
Where do people get the idea that when a child dies God wanted another angel? 8/11
Do Humans Become Angels When They Die? 5/11
Is a seraph a higher class then an archangel? 2ya

God made it clear that animals could be properly used and killed by man. Animal cruelty, on the other hand, is against God's will. (Not original wording) 2/12
Do animals go to heaven? 1/12
Do all animals go to heaven? 6/11
People! We (humans) die and why do animals have to die? 5/11

Will the next person to run for president of the USA be the anti-Christ just like Obama was? 12/11
According to the new testament, what or who is the antichrist? 11/11

What is apostasy...........? 5/11

What does the bible say about makeup? 9/12

Do you understand the meaning of Deuteronomy 22:5 (About not wearing clothing of the opposite sex)? 12/11

April Fools' Day
Is April fools day a Christian day? 12/11

When it comes to Archangels, how many are there in the Bible? 3/13
Is Jesus just an angel? 2/13
JWs, is jesus Michael? 1/13
Christians: Many accuse JWs of belittling Jesus by their saying that he is Michael the Archangel? 7/12
Jehovah's Witnesses: If Jesus is Michael the Archangel, why didn't he just say so? 5/12
Jehovah's Witnesses: Is Jesus just an angel? 12/11
Jesus is not *just* an angel. (#1 of answer) 5/11
Why do I hear criticism that JESUS cannot possibly be an ARCHANGEL but Almighty God CAN be a human? Which is more "shocking"? 9/11
Why did the early church father Justin Martyr (110-165 AD) say Jesus was called an angel? (Good details in the question from Bar_Enosh as well) 5/11
In the Bible, how many Archangels are there? 2/11

Armageddon (Also see Great Tribulation)
What really would be Armageddon? We fear the Armageddon? 3/12

Is astrology biblically permissible? 5/11

Babel (Tower of)
Why are there 4 flaws with The Tower of Babel Story? 3/12

If you baptize your children as babies are you stealing their choice ? 3/13
Jehovah's Witnesses, Jesus was baptized at about 30 years of age...? 6/12
Baptism is a sign of submitting to God , when Jesus was baptised what he submitting to himself ? 3/12
Should babies or infants can be baptized on the basis of the faith of the parents? 12/11
Where does it state in scripture that one must be immersed for it to be a legitimate, biblical baptism? 8/11

Why can't Jehovah's Witnesses participate in "extra responsibilities" while sporting a well-groomed beard? 2/11

Jehovah's Witnesses- Why was Beth-Sarim sold by the WT in 1942? 8/11

Big Bang
What is the Big Bang and could it fit with God's plan? (Not original wording) 6/11
Atheists: How did the big bang start? 3/11

How authentic is the Bible? 9/11

Christians, how do you decide which books are true stories? 1/12

The fact that God has provided the Bible is proof that He wants us to get to know Him well. 3/12

I'm going to read the bible, but I don't understand it? 10/11

How are you so sure you have the right interpretation of the bible?  (Not original wording; especially the first paragraph) 9/11

Why doesn't the Bible explain scientific things that we acknowledge today? (Not original wording) 2/12

Birth Control
Why is it morally wrong to use contraceptives? 4/12

Does the Bible allow for family planning and birth control? 1/12

Why Don't Jehovah Witnesses Do Birthdays? 9/13
Jehovah's Witnesses - Respectfully, Why don't Jehovah's Witnesses celebrate birthdays? 9/12

Does it make any sense at all that Jehovah's Witnesses don't celebrate birthdays? 2/12
Why don't Jehovah's Witnesses participate in Birthday observances? (Not original wording) 9/11
Why is it that "certain people" try to use Job 1:4 for justification of annually celebrating birthdays? 11/11

Can Jehovah's Witnesses justify letting their children die? 8/13
Jehovah's Witnesses, Where in the Bible can we read about the Bible prohibits ingesting blood? 1/13
As more and more medical professionals accomodate Jehovah's Witnesses' stand on blood doesn't it make the objections of opposers obsolete? 8/12
Would Jehovah's Witnesses REALLY be so eager to find quality alternatives transfusions if their refusal of blood was tantamount to a form of suicide or a "right to die" as some opposers falsely claim? (Not original wording) 1/12
Why don't Jehovah's Witnesses consume, donate or transfuse blood? (Not original wording) 5/11
As one of Jehovah's Witnesses I enjoy my steak cooked MEDIUM RARE, why should there be a problem? 1/12
How does the sacredness of blood benefit us? 11/11
Why do Jehovahs Ws need to die to show respect for blood which symbolizes life? 9/11
Is a transfusion really the same as eating blood? 2/11
Why don't Jehovah's Witnesses believe in blood transfusions? 2/11
Christians, How many of You ,have been taught that the "Soul" (Life force)is in the Blood? 1 YA

Born Again
Jehovah's Witnesses, in the Book of John, we read in John 3:3 that we must be born again to see the Kingdom? 11/11
Jehovah's Witnesses, Where does the bible say that you do not have to be born again? 3/11

If Adam and Eve were the only humans at that time, where did Cain get his wife? (Not original wording) 10/11

What do Jehovah's Witnesses do during Christmas? 12/11
Was Jesus born on Christmas? 12/11
The date of Christ's birth. Is is known? 9/11
If the day of the birth of Jesus is important why is in not recorded in the bible ? 3/11
How can you trust any religion that tells you to lie to your kids that Santa is real & he delivers presents? 12/11
Seeing Christmas is not the Christ's birthday but a pagan event ,how can Christians celebrate it? 12/11
Where in the bible does it say that Jesus Christ was born on December 25th? 12/11
Jesus/God believers ! If Jesus would have wanted his birth day to be observed ? 11/11

Do you understand the meaning of Deuteronomy 22:5 (About not wearing clothing of the opposite sex)? 12/11

What does the bible say about makeup? 9/12

Creation (also see "God Exists?")
Some respected scientists say that even a “simple” cell is far too complex to have arisen by chance on earth. 7/13
According to the Bible , did Jesus accept Creation or evolution ? 4/13
Do you think that there has to be a God with no beginning or not? 8/12
I find it interesting that some scientists admit believing in God because of the fine-tuning of our universe. 4/12
Given enough time and large enough numbers, these so-called "lucky accidents" or "coincidences" can and will occur. 4/12
For the Earth to always have had liquid oceans for the majority of it's history, geologists admit that there would have to have been "a remarkable fine-tuning of its atmosphere to a warming sun." 3/12
Christians, steven hawking found out that the universe can create itself, how do you respond? 3/12
Because scientists cannot explain what happened before the Big Bang, they "need" to come up with a hypothesis. 3/12
Does the fine tuning of the four fundamental forces favor Creative Design or mindless chance? 3/12
What are the chances that the Bible writer Moses just "happened" to list the creation steps in the proper order? 2/12
What is the evidence for creationism? 1/12
Why do creationist use arguments for the existence of god instead of providing physical proof? 10/11
How do you think life appeared on Earth 1. By accident 2. Creation 3. Other? 1/12
How do people still believe the earth is 6000 years old? 11/11
Are Jehovah's Witnesses Creationists?" (Not orginial wording) 9/11
Jehovah’s Witnesses *DISAGREE* with “Christian” Fundamentalists (Not orginial wording) 8/11
How is it that the bible explains the earth to be 6,000 to 8,000 years old when ;? 9/11
How long ago did God create the world? 9/11
What are the odds of the spontaneous formation of a basic DNA molecule essential for the appearance of life? (Not original wording) 8/11
I know why I believe in God, but I don't know how to convey this message to someone that does not believe. 3/12

Will Jesus be celebrating Christmas from Heaven ? 12/12

Besides JW's how many christians are smart enough to know the cross is a lie? 8/13
Jehovah's Witnesses: What does your 1987 Watchtower article say about the Cross? 1/13
Is the cross a form of idolatry? 8/11
In Jehovah's witness, why is it that Christ died on the stake, not on the cross? what's the reason behind it? 8/11
Why do people wear crucifixes - isn't this morbid? 6/11
Why Jehovah's Witnesses are not allowed to own or wear a cross? 3/11

Does the bible say anything about curse words? 5/11
Do you go to hell if you say oh my god? 11/11

Dating circumstances for Jehovah's witnesses? 12/11

The Bible's Viewpoint - What Happens After Death?
What does Gen. 3:19 mean? "...For dust you are and to dust you will return.” 9/12
When Jesus spoke of the death of his friend Lazarus, why did Jesus NOT say "Lazarus is in heaven"? 6/12
People! We (humans) die and why do animals have to die? 5/11
Does the bible indicate whether the dead experience pain? 2/11

Jehovah's witnesses, what is the origin of demons? 3/12
For those that communicate with spirits (spiritism) how do you know you are communicating with GOOD spirits? 8/11

Were all things made "THROUGH" Jesus Christ, or were all things made "BY" Jesus Christ? 1/12

Why doesn't the bible reference dinosaurs at all, when they clearly existed? 5/11
Do christians believe that dinosaurs didn't exist? 1 year ago

Is Behemoth a dinosaur? Is this based on Job 40:17 only? 12/11
On which day did God create fossils? 3/11


Why does the Bible say that we should shun church members that engage in gross sins? 1/13

JW's ..Where is the wording for 'disfellowshipping' to be found in the Bible? 3/12
Jehovah's Witnesses and "Shunning", What are the Results? 9/11
If a member does not attend a meeting because of illness, will that member be shunned? 5/11
Jehovah's Witnesses disfellowsip unrepentant sinners in their faith ,how bad is that? 2/11
Why JW's Disfellowship? 1 year ago

When someone dies, even in horrible accidents--Why do people say" It was their time to die"? 8/12
From the Biblical viewpoint, what is death? 9/12
What happens when you die? 12/11
What do you think happens when you die? 11/11
What do you think happens when we die? (Extra JW links) 5/11
Since the dead are like "asleep" where will they be when they Awake!? 3/12
How is death like sleep? (Not original wording) 9/11

Atheists what do you think about this quote by Francis Crick? 5/11

Does God mind if we smoke marijuana? 1/12

Dual Nature of Christ
Where does the bible state Jesus had two natures? 12/11
If Jesus, however, were part of a Godhead, the ransom price would have been infinitely higher than what God’s own Law required. 7/12

For the Earth to always have had liquid oceans for the majority of it's history, geologists admit that there would have to have been "a remarkable fine-tuning of its atmosphere to a warming sun." 3/12
If God intended for us to live in heaven and not on earth, wouldn't it make sense that He would just create us there to begin with? (Not original wording) 1 year ago
What does God want for the earth? 1/12
How do people still believe the earth is 6000 years old? 11/11
Will God allow the Earth to become overpopulated? (Not original wording) 11/11
Christians, is the Earth flat? 2/12
Isaiah 40:22 says the earth is a circle so who would know the shape of the earth back then? 9/11
How long ago did God create the world? 9/11
Will the earth burn up through global warming or nuclear conflict? 9/11

Should the memorial of the death of Jesus Christ be commemorated?,or Easter? 3/13
Will you celebrate Easter knowing its a pagan celebration? 3/13
What is the connection between Easter and colored eggs, bunnies, and bonnets? 4/12
Is Easter really a Pagan celebration? 8/11
Easter where the rabbit and chicken eggs are a part of worship can anyone tell me? 3/11
Bunnies don't lay eggs. Why did Jesus want us to celebrate Easter with bunnies and eggs? What? 2/11

How many Gods are in the Hebrew word "Elohim"? 2/12

End of the World
When will the world end? 12/11

Estin ("is" "means")
Why have jehovah witnesses changed the Bible? For example in the words of christ in the last supper they say this means my body and jesus said this is my body. 4/1

Can a person Keep Sinning and still be considered "Saved"? 1/13
What is faith and is anything more than faith needed in order to gain salvation? 5/11

Faith Healing
Why do 'christians' rattle on about faith healing, yet when push comes to shove, they have no evidence of? 7/11

Jehovah's Witnesses. What's wrong with FASTING ? 1 year ago

Fat People (See "Overweight")

Favorite Scriptures
What are you favourite verses: about the scriptures and the word of God? 11/11

Fear (of God)
What does it mean to FEAR God?

What are the spiritual benefits of saluting the flag? 1/12

Why can't those people see that "Noah walked with the true God"? 4/12
Was Noah a mythical figure? (Not original wording) 1 year ago
In the beginning, where did all the water come from? 8/11
How is it that Many have Legends of a Global Flood? 1/12
"Just like the days of Noah were, so the coming of the Son of Man will be." Is there going to be another flood that wipes the earth of human-life? (Not original wording) 3/11
Did the people at the time of the flood know who Adam and Eve were? (Not original wording) 2/11

Forgiveness of Sins
If only God can forgive sins, then because Jesus forgave the sins of that man does that not make Him God? 11/11

Forsaken (Also see Matt. 27:46; Mark 15:34.)

On which day did God create fossils? 3/11

Free Will
How can predestination and free will both be right? 12/11

Garden of Eden
Where is the Garden of Eden located? 6/11

Gaurdian Angel
What are some signs or hints that your Guardian Angel is there? 12/11

Do Christians believe Genesis is historically and scientifically accurate? 7/13

Why doesn't everyone follow Jehovah? 2/12
If God is so powerful, why doesn't he just wipe Hell and the Devil out? (Why does God permit wickedness?) 9/11

God Beginning
Do you think that there has to be a God with no beginning or not? 8/12

God a Male? What makes you so sure that God is a male? 1/12

God is the Father
Only God is the Father 5/12

God Exists?
Do all great scientists say that God doesn’t exist ? 3/13
Genuine Question...What proof is there for God? I'm looking for actual answers, not opinions, or faith.? 1/13
Atheists what do you think about this quote by Francis Crick? 5/11
Even a god had to have started somewhere because by your own logic, something can not come from nothing. 3/13
Do you believe in GOD? 12/12
The fact that God has provided the Bible is proof that He wants us to get to know Him well. 3/12
So you want me to believe...(atheist)? 12/11
Theists, give me the REAL reason you believe in a god? Is it comforting? Or what?11/11
I know why I believe in God, but I don't know how to convey this message to someone that does not believe. 3/12

In Bibles that use the word "Godhead"? 8/13

God Invisible
Does the Bible teach that God is invisible, or that humans cannot see him? 1/12

God's Name
Which Worldwide Religion Bears God's Name 'Jehovah'?
Why do you think we Jehovah's Witness think God's name is important? 8/13
The name Jehovah ,Yehowah ,Yahweh ,YHVH why do Christians go to pains to avoid the name? 4/13
Why do Jehovah's Witnesses claim that other denominations remove God's name from the Scipture? 1/13
What Does "Hallelujah" Mean?
What is the meaning of God's name? (Not original wording) 1/12
How was God's name originally pronounced in Hebrew? (Not original wording) 1 year ago
What is the name of God? (Not original wording) 8/11
Does Christian God have a name? 10/11
Jehovah's witnesses - Where does it say Jehovah in the bible? 2/11
Since Jehovah is the English name of God, the anglicized, why not use God's name in the language we speak? 3/12
Why do some insist the Divine Name YHWH should not be written with a "J"? 12/11
To Jehovah Witnesses: Why the Name Jehovah is never mentioned in the New Testament? 12/11
Is the name of God in the New Testament of the King James Version? 2/11
Why is the title "Lord" used many times as a replacement of God's personal name "Jehovah"? (Not original wording) 11/11
"LORD" or "GOD" are not names, they are merely titles. (Not original Wording) 1 YA
Why is Jehovah's name removed from His Word the Bible? 2/11
Does God have a name, if so is it LORD or Jehovah, and how should this verse read? 6/11
Regarding the pronunciation "Jehovah," did the letter "J" not exist until the 14th century? 11/11
Jehovah with a *J*: When people object to the name Jehovah because (quote) "there are no j's in Hebrew? 5/11
What Does it Mean to Take God's Name "in vain"? (Ex. 20:7)
Jehovah Witnesses, why Jehovah, not Yahweh? 11/11
By knowing God's personal name, it is clear that Jesus and God are two distinct and separate individuals. (Not original wording) 10/11
Why do has the king james removed the name of god all but twice ? and y do those protestants who use the Kjv ? 10/11
Where in the bible say that jehovah is god's name?!? 5/11

God's Universal Sovereignty
God has the *right* to do whatever He wants to do because He made all things. (Not original wording) 3/12

God is ONE
Is God only one person? (Not orginial wording) 10/11

God and Suffering, Wickedness
Why Does God Allow Suffering? 9/12

Why is there suffering in the world? (Not orginial wording; #2 of answer) 6/11
If God is so powerful, why doesn't he just wipe Hell and the Devil out? (Why does God permit wickedness?) 9/11

Is Jehovah's Witnesses polytheistic? - They seem to claim the there are many more gods. 11/11
*JW"S: Do you believe in multiple gods? 9/11
In John 17:3 Jesus adresses his Father as "the only true God"--What kind of "God" is Jesus? 5/11
Jehovah's Witnesses believe Jehovah is the Only True God and that Jesus is godlike. They believe..? 1/12
Even though Jesus is referred to as God, what shows that he is not Almighty God? 5/11

How could Matthew and Luke be written after Jerusalem’s destruction? 1/12

Great Tribulation
Are there some people who are looking forward to the Great Tribulation? What will it mean for some? 10/11

How long should a Christian male's hair be? 9/12
Why is Jesus depicted with long hair in pictures (isn't that against Christianity)? 1/12
Could having long hair as a guy be a violation against god? 10/11

What Does "Hallelujah" Mean?

What are the origins of Halloween? 8/13
As one of Jehovah's Witnesses I don't celebrate halloween? 8/13
If you knew this "Halloween" is belong to pagans , but if you are...? 11/11
Do Jehovah's Witnesses dislike Halloween because they don't like random strangers knocking on their door? 11/11
Who celebrates Halloween ? 11/11
Do you think/believe Halloween is for Christians? 10/11
What are the origins of Halloween? (Not original wording) 7/11

Heart Why does the heart symbolize "love" and emotion? 12/11

Heaven (also see 144,000)
Do all good people go to heaven?
Are there babies in Heaven? 1/13
If God intended for us to live in heaven and not on earth, wouldn't it make sense that He would just create us there to begin with? (Not original wording) 1 year ago
Do animals go to heaven? 1/12
How many will go to heaven and what will happen with the rest of humans? 5/11
Do All Good People Go to Heaven? (Not original wording) 5/11
Do Jehovah Witnesses believe that only 144,000 are going to Heaven? 5/11
Do Humans Become Angels When They Die? 5/11
Who selects the ones who will go to heaven? 2/11

Is being punished forever for sins committed in a short lifetime really a demonstration of justice? 1/13
Is the " Lake of Fire" literal, and if it is- how is Satan & death going to be destroyed by literal fire? 8/12
When Jesus spoke of the death of his friend Lazarus, why did Jesus NOT say "Lazarus is in heaven"? 6/12
Jehovah Witnesses, if there's no hell, then why no punishment for bad conduct? 4/12
Do you think Hell is a place or a condition and when was it made? 4/12
Collier’s Encyclopedia (1986, Vol. 12, p. 28) says this concerning “Hell”: (Not original wording) 3/11
Is Gehenna a Place of Fiery Torment? 1/12
I have a question for jehovah's Witeness - is hell a place or the grave? 12/11
I have a question for Jehovah's witnesses - is this what the bible say about HELL? 12/11
Jehovah's Witnesses- you actually believe there's no such thing as hell? 12/11
Does the teaching of eternal torment in hell attract you to God or repel you? 12/11
God sends people to burn for eternity if they don't believe in him?11/11
If hell is a place for eternal torment, how can death and hell be thrown into a lake of fire? 5/11
Do All Good People Go to Heaven? (Not original wording) 5/11

Holidays (See Heading in Jehovah's Witnesses Category)

Holy Spirit
Is the HOLY SPIRIT God, a bible question on the Trinity? 1/13
Why is there no mention of a Third Person sitting with Jesus alongside of His Father Jehovah ? 9/12
Does the Holy Spirit have a Name like Jesus or Jehovah that would mean it's a Person ? 9/12
Is the Holy Spirit an it? 7/12
Why do trintiarians focus more on Jesus than the Holy Spirit? (Not original wording) 2/12
What is the Holy Spirit? (Not original wording; second section of answer) 11/11
Why so many Christians almost never talk about ' Holy Spirit' ? 1/12
Is there Scriptural proof that the Holy Spirit is God? (Not original wording) 9/11
How did God create if the Holy Spirit was not an active force? 1/12
What does it mean to grieve the holy spirit? 12/11
When Jesus was nailed up & dying why didn't he cry out Holy Spirit why have you forsaken me? 12/11
If Jesus was God, why did he never pray to the nameless Mr. Holy Spirit? (Not original wording) 4/11
Notice how the holy spirit is called an "it" at Rom. 8:16? (Not original wording) 1/12
Did the writers of the Hebrew Scriptures ever conceive or present the Holy Spirit as a distinct person? 12/11
"If" the Holy spirit is a person, why does Acts 10:44-45 say POURED OUT? 11/11
The name of the Holy Spirit ? 9/11
We find no personal name for the neuter holy spirit. (Not original wording) 2/11
Why do people think a Dove is the Holy Spirit? 3/11
Did the Holy Spirit descend as a dove or like a dove ? 3/11
Why dont jehovah witnesses have the holy spirit? 3/11
Trinitarians why is the Holy Spirit NEVER seen in any vision of heaven with the Father and Christ? 2/11
Why did Jesus omit the Holy Spirit at Matt 24:36? (Not original wording) 1 year ago
The "seven spirits" mentioned in Revelation is not a vision describing God. (Not original wording) 2/11
The examples in the Bible where God GAVE His Holy Spirit is powerful evidence that the Holy Spirit is not a person. (Not original wording) 1 year ago
What the H.S. DOES or 'SAYS,' etc. is really the Father (or whoever the Father allows to use that force) acting through it. (NOW) 1YA
Impersonal qualities of the H.S. 1YA

Is this bad if you are a Jehovah Witness? 6/12

Do you think hypnotism is ok for Christians to use? 6/1/12

Does God accept the use of idols in worship? 9/12

If Jesus is GOD, Why does the Bible call him the IMAGE of the Invisible God, firstborn of all creation? 9/12

If Jesus was a manifestation of God does that mean he was not the real God , just an image ? 8/1
Christians: How is Man Created in The image of God? 10/11
Trinitarians try to use this "image" and "reflection " reasoning to 'prove' that Jesus is God. But, in fact it proves just the opposite. (Not original wording; #4 of answer) 5/11

Jehovah's Witnesses
What are your opinions on Jehovah's Witnesses? 2/11
What is your opinion of Jehovahs witnesses? 1 year ago
How do Jehovah's Witnesses compare to other religions? 1 year ago

How do you feel about your church only being formed in 1870. It was formed by Charles Taze Russell?

What are Jehovah Witnesses not *allowed* to do? 4/12

What is the basic dress code & appearance required of Jehovah's Witnesses ? both men & women? 7/11

"Exaggerated claims tell more about the person making them than those they are against." 9/12
Elijah's reply to a baseless accusation 6/11
There are way too many distorted and inaccurate opinions about Jehovah's Witnesses out there. This claim is just one more example. (Not original wording) 2/11
Why are there 1,666 pages in the Jehovah Witness so called Bible? 2/11
It would be wrong and deceitful for anyone to take an individual Jehovah's Witness misunderstanding or opinion and conclude that that is the official position of the worldwide organization of Jehovah's Witnesses. (Not original wording) 1 year ago
Please get more FACTS about this often misrepresented religion before opining about something you obviously know little about. (Not original wording) 1 year ago

What do Jehovah's Witnesses believe? 12/12
What are the basic beliefs and rules and practices of Jehovah's Witnesses? 11/11
What do Jehovah's Witnesses believe? (Second part of my response) 10/11
Can you prove ANY of the watchtower unorthodox core teachings by using ACTUAL scripture? 1/12

BLOOD (See regular section.)

Jehovah's Witnesses: Why do you support and protect the child rapists in your organization? 11/11
Do JW's spank/hit/beat their children? 5/11

How are Jehovah witness's different from Christian? 12/11
What's the Difference between Christians and Jehovah's witness? 11/11
Is it true that JWs are Christian but don't believe in the divinity of Jesus? 5/11
Jehovah's Witnesses, why do some people say "Jehovah's Witnesses are not Christians"? 4/11

Official contact link (Not original wording) 11/11
Jehovah's Witnesses. I filled out the form on the website, but no one has called yet. Can I just? 12/11
I am interested in what the Jehovah's Witness religion believes but I'm kinda worried about having someone over. 12/11

Jehovah's Witnesses - Respectfully, Do you believe that the Earth is only 10,000 years old like some do? 9/12
Are Jehovah's Witnesses Creationists?" (Not original wording) 9/11

I read many times on here that people believe JW's are a cult, so why? 6/13
When people claim Jehovah's Witnesses "brainwash" their members, what exactly do they mean? 3/13
Why do people refer to Jehovah's Witnesses as a cult? 11/11
Why do Jehovah's Witnesses deny they are a cult? 2/11

Wikipedia link to humanitarian efforts done by JWs 9/12

DISFELLOWSIPPING (See General Category)

What is the basic dress code & appearance required of Jehovah's Witnesses ? both men & women? 7/11

Can a Jehovah's Witness take modern drugs such as? (ALSO SEE Sunshine's Best Answer.) 8/11

Jehovah's Witnesses: why are they against 4 year degrees? 3/12
Why should any Jehovah's Witness whose salary...? 12/11
Jehovah’s Witnesses: If the WTS is so concerned about the effects of worldly education, why no private school? 11/11
Do Jehovah's Witnesses discourage formal education? (Not original wording) 5/11

FALSE PROPHETS (See Inspiried by God?)

How are Jehovah's Witnesses financed for following Jesus, the Faithful Witness ? 8/13
Is it true that Jehovah witnesses make lots of money by just being a Jehovah Witness? 3/13
Jehovah's Witnesses have no paid clergy class: weddings, funerals and services (meetings) are all free? 9/12
Are the minor religious sects more about profit and business than religion? 11/11
When did the Jehovah's Witnesses start asking for money? 8/11
The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society is a legal religious corporation that is used by Jehovah's Witnesses and was incorporated in 1884 in accordance with the Nonprofit Corporation Law (Not original wording) 1 year ago

Do Jehovahs Witnesses consider it idolatry to raise or display a national flag? 5/11

I was raised as a Jehovah's Witness? 1/12

Do Jehovah Witnesses believe that Jesus is Lord and God as the bible teaches? 8/13

Why do some people hate Jehovah's Witnesses? (Not original wording)
Why do Christians trash Jehovah's Witnesses so much? 11/11

Why dont jehovah witnesses have the holy spirit? 3/11

Have you every wondered why Jehovah's Witnesses do not celebrate certain holidays? 4/13
What does it mean to be Jehovah Witness? Please Help :)? 12/11
Can a Pagan holiday really become part of true Christian worship & bring glory to God? 12/11
Christians: Can a Christian really adopt a pagan holiday and make it *holy*? 10/11
Can I attend new year celebrations while studying with Jehovah's Witnesses? 3/11

What i want to know who says jehovahs witness are prophets? 8/13
Are Jehovah's Witnesses INSPIRED Prophets? 3/12
Jehovah WItnesses, do you believe the writers of the Watchtower are inspired by Jehovah (God)? 12/11
Russell himself taught this understanding of prophets: 1ya

Are Jehovah's Witnesses outlawed from witnessing online? 1/12

Do Jehovahs Witnesses consider it idolatry to raise or display a national flag? 5/11

Do Jehovah Witnesses believe that Jesus is Lord and God as the bible teaches? 8/13
Do Jehovah's Witnesses believe in Jesus? 11/11
Jehovah's Witnesses don't care about Jesus . Jehovah's Witnesses what say you? 12/11
Do Jehovah witnesses believe in Jesus? 3/11
Is there any reason for Jehovah's Witnesses to believe that Jesus is God in the flesh? 3/11
What/who is Jesus to Jehovah's Witnesses? 2/11
Do Jehovah's Witnesses love Jesus? 2ya

Should I believe what I hear about Jehovah's Witnesses? (Not original wording) 10/11

Do you know if Jehovah's Witnesses accept medical treatment? Can you explain their position? 7/13

If a member does not attend a meeting because of illness, will that member be shunned? 5/11

Who are the people that bear Gods Name ? 7/13
Why do JWs call themselves witnesses? 1/13
What did the Jehovah Witnesses witness? 2/1
What does the name Jehovah's Witnesses mean? (Not original wording) 7/11
There seems to be no other readily-identifiable, world-wide religious group that use the personal name of God to identify themselves today (Not original wording)  2/11

Do Jehovahs Witnesses consider it idolatry to raise or display a national flag? 5/11

Can the society assure me that none of the pure truth that I died believing in would later become "old light" and therefore apostate? 1/12
Should a religion change its teachings if it realizes it was wrong or remain constant even in error? 8/11

Why do Jehovah's Witnesses avoid pagan associations? (Not original wording) 10/11
Jehovah's Witnesses- Why is it okay to do some pagan things, but not celebrate a birthday? 11/11
What is the difference between necessary pagan origins and pagan things associated with pagan worship? (Not original wording) 10/11
Christians: Can a Christian really adopt a pagan holiday and make it *holy*? 10/11
When should Christians say 'no' to customs rooted in paganism? (Not original wording) 1/12

Why do Jehovah's Witnesses believe in a LITERAL paradise on earth? 2/13

And is it really wrong to follow the worldwide organization of Jehovah's Witnesses? (Not Original Wording; Second Part of Answer) 3/12
I do not doubt the Bible, but I doubt the ORGANIZATION 5/12

If you could prevent Jehovah's Witnesses from preaching, would you? 6/13
Do you think Jehovah's Witnesses should stop preaching the gospel? 3/13
Who is preaching the gospel of Gods kingdom ? Christians ? How? 2/12
Are Jehovah's Witnesses outlawed from witnessing online? 1/12
Why do Jehovah's Witnesses preach? (Not original wording) 2/11
Jehovah witnesses what is the real deal on knocking on every door in the neighborhood? 8/11
Who set the example for JWs to preach and are Jehovah's Witnesses "ashamed of their faith"? (Not original wording) 7/11
Christians, Did Jesus and his apostles preach the good news of God's Kingdom and who does it today? 3/11
Why are Jehovah's Witnesses allowed to preach in the USA? 2/11

PROPHETS, FALSE (See Inspired by God?)

Are Jehovah's Witnesses allowed to quote those holding different beliefs? 1 year ago

Are JWs wrong about science? (Not original wording) 9/11

Do Jehovah Witnesses believe that Jesus is Lord and God as the bible teaches? 8/13
Is it possible to be Christian and non-trinitarian? 1/13
Is that true christians who deny the the Holy trinity aren't christians? 9/11
Jehovah's Witnesses, do you find it odd that you know more about the trinity god than most Trinitarians? 9/11

Why do Jehovah's Witnesses call their religion the "Truth"? 2/13

Jehovah's Witnesses a question to all my brothers & sisters.? 1/12

"How do Jehovah's Witnesses view voting?" 2/12

Watchtower and "Awake!" magazines stats (NOW) 1 YA

When JW"s get married, do they celebrate? 1/12

JW's,...what is the origin of wedding bands , & furthermore are Witnesses permitted to utilize them ? 9/12

Do you think Jesus was God's son, a human incarnation of God, or both? 8/11

Jesus' Baptism
Baptism is a sign of submitting to God , when Jesus was baptised what he submitting to himself ? 3/12

Jesus's Body
How do people explain Jesus being resurrected in the same human body? 11/11

Jesus Created
According to the Bible, why was Jesus created ? 1/13
Why did God create Jesus? 12/11
Why don't many professed "Christians" not believe that Jesus in his prehuman existence was a CREATED being? 12/11
When did God make Jesus? 8/11
Do Jehovah Witnesses teach that Jesus Christ was created? 5/11

Jesus' Death
How should Jesus Christ death be remembered? 3/12
Jesus died and then he revived the next 3 days, what kind of sacrifice is that? 2/12
According to the bible, how/why does Jesus die for our sins? 11/11
Why did Jesus have to pay our sins by dying? 11/11

Jesus Existed?
Do Scholars Believe That Jesus Existed? 1/13

Jesus is *A* god
Do you think Jesus is a god? 3/12
In John 17:3 Jesus adresses his Father as "the only true God"--What kind of "God" is Jesus? 5/11
Jehovah's Witnesses believe Jehovah is the Only True God and that Jesus is godlike. They believe..? 1/12
Even though Jesus is referred to as God, what shows that he is not Almighty God? 5/11

Jesus is not God
Religious Poll: What are the 10 Reasons Jesus is Not almighty God? 12/11
Is there a single unequivocal statement in the complete Bible, where Jesus Christ says… 'I am God'? 12/11
Is there a single unequivocal statement in the complete Bible, where Jesus Christ says… 'I am God'? (Extra details) 5/11
Does the Bible or Jesus himself ever say that Jesus was God? (not actual wording) 11/11
How did Jesus become God? 11/11
How could God die? Jesus is not God 2/13
Hab. 1:12 - If Jesus is God, how then could God die? God can't die, right? (not original wording) 11/11
Why did Jesus not use his life on Earth to make the trinity clear for all to know without doubt ? 11/11
Why was Jesus exalted to a superior position by Jehovah God, his God? (Phil.2:5-7) 11/11
Does Jesus HAVE a God? If so, what´s His name? 11/11
How can God have a God? 2/11
By knowing God's personal name, it is clear that Jesus and God are two distinct and separate individuals. (Not original wording) 10/11
Did the Jews of Jesus' day believe that God was "a unity of three" persons? 8/11
Why did not Jesus & the early Christians teach that Jesus was God? 2ya***
Why would Jesus need to give thanks (PRAY) to himself if he is God? 6/11
If Jesus was incapable of sinning while on earth being 100% God (and 100% man) why did the Devil tempt him? 3/11
Jesus was SENT by God (Not original wording) 1 year ago
If Jesus Is God, Why Are Jesus And God Differentiated In The Bible? 2ya
There are many things mentioned in the Bible that Jesus admitted that he did not know but only God does. 2ya

Jesus is not Jehovah
Is this statement correct: Jesus is Jehovah? 2/13
Is Jesus the Jehovah of the Old Testament? (Not original wording) 9/11

Jesus a MALE
Why was Jesus a male? 10/11

Jesus' Presense
Why did jehovah witnesses say jesus was invisible when it clearly says in the bible he will be visible? 11/11

Jesus' Resurrection
Who resurrected Jesus -- He himself, or his Father? 7/12

Jesus "SON OF MAN"
Why did Jesus refer to himself as the Son of Man? 4/12

Why is Jesus called the son of man? 11/11

Jesus is Son of God
Do Jehovah Witnesses believe that Jesus is Lord and God as the bible teaches? 8/13
Did Jehovah God beget Jesus? Is Jesus Jehovah's begotten Son? 8/13
Christians, if the Bible wished to portray Jesus as eternal as God, why call him "Son"? 4/11
How can Jesus be the Son of God if Jesus is God? 1/12
How could God have a son? 5/11
Why is God the Son not phrased in the Bible? 5/11

Jesus Tempted
If Jesus was incapable of sinning while on earth being 100% God (and 100% man) why did the Devil tempt him? 3/11

Jesus "Through"
Christians: Why Does The Bible Describe All Things As Originating FROM God, But Coming THROUGH Christ? 10/11

Christians: What is the Kingdom of God? 9/12
Can the Kingdom of God be Just something in your heart? 9/12
Do you agree with the Bible that God's Kingdom is real and the earth will last forever? 12/11

Kingdom Halls
Why are Jehovah's Witness "churches" called HALLS (Kingdom Halls)? 5/13
Is the Jehovah's Witness refusal to call their Church's churches just another way to be separate? 1/13
What kind of stuff goes on inside a Kingdom Hall? 1/12
Do Jehovah Witnesses have a church they go to? 9/11
What is the basic dress code & appearance required of Jehovah's Witnesses ? both men & women? 7/11
Why don't Kingdom Halls have windows? (Not original wording; 2nd part of answer) 5/11

What do you think of the new KJ verson of the Bible that restores the name "Jehovah"?9/12

Is The Divine Name King James Bible as good as the NWT? 3/12
Why do has the king james removed the name of god all but twice ? and y do those protestants who use the Kjv ? 10/11

What language did Adam & Eve speak?
Why do we have race, and diversity of languages? 7/11
Why was every one able to understand the speaking of tongues in bible times compared to the gibberish of those? 3/11

Last Days
When will the world end? 12/11
Are we living in the last days? 8/11

When Jesus spoke of the death of his friend Lazarus, why did Jesus NOT say "Lazarus is in heaven"? (Do All Good Persons Go To Heaven?)

Does God care about me? (Not original wording) 9/11

Living Forever
Why they don't want to live forever on earth? 1/12

Why do so many people think that Lucifer is another name for Satan? 12/12
Is the name Lucifer in the original bible manuscript? 3/12
Jesus is supposedly the Morning Star. Lucifer fell from it. Did/Will Jesus fall? 4/12

Is smoking weed a sin? 3/12
Does God mind if we smoke marijuana? 1/12

How is it so many belonging to Christian faith not know it is debasing idolatry to call Mary the Mother of God? 3/13

Question for Jehovah's Witnesses on marriage? 2/11

Should I eat meat because it may contain a little blood?* 3/12
As one of Jehovah's Witnesses I enjoy my steak cooked MEDIUM RARE, why should there be a problem?* 1/12

Do Jehovah's Witnesses believe that miracles still happen? 12/11
Trinitarians do miracles performed by Jesus further evidence that he is God? 2/11

Moon Hoax
Why don't fake Moon landing conspiracy believers ever question how the lunar laser retroreflectors got there? 8/12

Do these new moon photographs documenting the Apollo moon landings silence the hoax-believers? 9/11

Because they have a unique scriptural canon *in addition* to the Bible, there are many more problems that arise than just the "Book of Abraham” and "polygamy" (Not original wording) 2/12

Moses wrote the first 5 books of the bible. How did he write about his own death and burial after it happened? 2ya

Are Jehovah Witnesses allowed to listen to rap? 4/12

Mystery of the Trinity
Is the only mystery about the trinity , is why anyone would believe it? 8/13
Trinitarians can't seem to agree with each other (Not original wording) 3/12
Does the identity of God have to be “a very profound mystery”? 5/11
Why do people saying , " We cannot fully understand God?"? (Extra 1st paragraph but outdated links) 4/11
When believers in the Trinity pray... Who exactly are they praying to? 12/11

What is the nephilim in the bible? 1/12

Newton, Isaac
What do you think of Isaac Newton's religious views? 11/11

New Years
Do so called "Christians" who celebrate January 1st (New Years) even know where this practice came from? 1/12
Can I attend new year celebrations while studying with Jehovah's Witnesses? 3/11

Nicene Council
Was God a trinity before the Nicene Creed? 12/11
Do historical sources point to the trinity before the Council of Nicea? 5/11
Christians:how do you feel after you read about the council of nicea and the nicene creed? 12/11
When and how did the catholic church come up with the beleifs of the Nicene creed? 11/11

Creationists, why did God give me nipples? 2/12

Noah (also see "Flood")
So another question about noah (races)? 12/11
Was Noah a mythical figure? (Not original wording) 1 year ago

Why is the NEW WORLD TRANSLATION Bible beat down with no evidence ? 8/13
Jehovah's Witnesses - Respectfully, Why was the New World Translation Bible Written? 9/12
Is The Divine Name King James Bible as good as the NWT? 3/12
Why did Jehovah Witnesses alter the bible? 1/11
Many, many scholars agree that the Jehovah's Witnesses New World Translation is and excellent one. Why hate it? 12/11
Jehovah witnesses The people that translated your bible (NWT) how much bible knowledge did they have? 12/11
What translation of the Bible do you read the most from? 11/11
Does it matter that the NWT put "[other]" in brackets in Col. 1:16? 5/11
Is it true JW's have removed books and/or scriptures from the bible canon? 3/11
How could I get a New World Translation Bible free/cheap without a visit? 2/11

Why do Jehovah's Witnesses accept "Obese Publishers", yet Deny those who choose to have Beards? 4/12

One Person, God is Only
Is god only one person? (Not orginial wording) 10/11

Why don't many professed "Christians" not believe that Jesus in his prehuman existence was a CREATED being? 12/11
JOhn 3:16 - How many Christians know that this is mistranslated? 9/11
What does only begotten son mean? 3/11

Ouija Boards*
Are Ouija board dangerous and evil? 2/12

"Out of Body" Experiences
Well, Christians, there is yet another "afterlife story" in the news. Do you think this guy really? 12/11

Will God allow the Earth to become overpopulated? (Not original wording) 11/11

Why do Jehovah's Witnesses accept "Obese Publishers", yet Deny those who choose to have Beards? 4/12

Why do Jehovah's Witnesses believe in a LITERAL paradise on earth? 2/13

Jehovah's Witnesses, What star system did your early church leaders believe Jehovah lived on? What year? 12/11

Is Plotinus' conception of "One" different from the Christian doctrine of the Trinity? Explain.? 5/11

Does God listen to prayers? 1/13
Is God pleased with the use of the rosary? 2/12
Does the bible teach us to pray to saints? 2/12
How to pray to Jehovah? (Not original wording) 10/11
When praying, do not say the same things over and over again.....? 1 YA

What does the word parousia mean? 3/13
JW's, why do you say Jesus returned invisibly in 1914 when the bible clearly state the entire world will see? 12/11

How can predestination and free will both be right? 12/11

Guidelines to help discern a prophet from a false prophet? (Not original wording) 11/11

Can the Bible Foretell the Future......? 8/11

Christians: Why cite references to Jesus being 'worshipped' when that is not the basic meaning of proskuneo? 2/12

Purpose, God's
What is God purpose for us on earth? (Not original wording; #1 of answer) 6/11
What does God want for the earth? 1/12

What is a ransom and what is the ransom price that Jesus paid to release us from sin and death? 6/11
If Jesus, however, were part of a Godhead, the ransom price would have been infinitely higher than what God’s own Law required. 7/12

What was the punishment for rape according to the Mosaic Law? 1/12

Christians is the rapture in the bible? 12/11
JW's: Do you believe in the "rapture"? 10/11

Christians do you still think God loves white people more than black people? 1/12
So another question about noah (races)? 12/11
Who gave birth to black people in the bible? 12/11

I'm one of Jehovah's Witnesses, what religion would you suggest I join if I leave mine? 5/13
How do I know which religion is the correct one? 8/11

Since the dead are like "asleep" where will they be when they Awake!? 3/12
Jehovah's Witnesses, what shows that the resurrection will occur ? 3/12
What religions/denominations don’t believe in an immortal soul, but instead believe in the resurrection? 12/11
My dad passed away on saturday and i am wondering if he will get a resurrection,he didnt believe there was a god,and i am afraid for him 7/11

Right Hand
R&S Q: Can Jesus be on the Right Hand & in the Middle at the Same Time? 2/12

If Jesus is God, then why is he at God's right hand? (Not original wording) 9/11
If Jesus is God, how could He be sitting beside His Father on His throne? 2/11

Is God pleased with the use of the rosary? 2/12

Does the bible teach us to pray to saints? 2/12

Can a person Keep Sinning and still be considered "Saved"? 1/13
Who determines who are to be saved? (Not original wording) 9/11
Is anything more than faith needed in order to gain salvation? 5/11
Do you believe "once saved, always saved"? 5/11

Did God create the Devil? 6/13
Does the Devil exist? (Not original wording) 10/11
Is the Devil Real? (Not original wording) 6/11
Is the name Lucifer in the original bible manuscript? 3/12
Christians- What evil source tempted Lucifer to rebel? Wasn't he in Heaven where there's no sin? 12/11
Question for Christians: can the devil read the mind of a person? 4/12
Did god create the devil? If he did then why? 12/11
In What ways Is Satan Deceiving the Whole World? 12/11
Does Satan Have a Name? Did he remove God's name from the Bible? (Not Original Question Wording) 12/11
Why is this world so sick? 11/11
Why do you think the phrase god of the world refers to Satan (2 Corinthians 4:4)? 11/11
Scriptural indication that "Satan is ruling the world" (Not original wording) 3/11
Does Satan know that in the end he will be destroyed? 11/11
When Satan was thrown out of Heaven, was that before or after his talk with God in the book of Job? 2/11
Where does Satan come into play exactly? Is this Satan being even in the bible? If so what effects does it? 2/11

Do Jehovah's Witnesses believe they are the only ones who will be saved? 5/12

Ok Jehovah witnesses how can Jesus be our Savior? 3/12

Why doesn't the Bible explain scientific things that we acknowledge today? (Not original wording) 2/12
Is it possible to be a religious scientist? 11/11
Has Science done away with God? 8/11
Does Science Contradict the Genesis Account? 1 year ago

Sense of Humor
Does God have a sense of humor.....? 1/12

Shroud of Turin
How could the shroud of turin prove jesus' existence? 2/11

Jehovah's witnesses teach that smoking is against Christian standards and should not be done by Christians? 8/11

Do you agree that your soul will never die? 1/13
What happens to our soul when we die? 5/12
What does ' Soul ' really mean to you? 11/11

Star; Jehovah's throne
Jehovah's Witnesses, What star system did your early church leaders believe Jehovah lived on? What year? 12/11

Why is there suffering in the world? (Not orginial wording; #2 of answer) 6/11
If God is so powerful, why doesn't he just wipe Hell and the Devil out? (Why does God permit wickedness?) 9/11

What is your opinion on suicide? 10/11
If one of Jehovah's Witnesses committed suicide could they still have a witness funeral? 3/11

What is Tartarus? 3/12

Christians: is it sinful to get a big tattoo on my shoulder blade? 11/11*

Is tithing a Biblical requirement for Christians today? 6/12

When you tithe at your church? 8/11

Why was every one able to understand the speaking of tongues in bible times compared to the gibberish of those? 3/11

Did Trinitarians borrow the Trinity idea from pagan sources ? 8/13
Are the three divine Persons perfectly equal to one another ? 3/13
How come Trinity believers can not get their trinity straight ? 3/12
How Did the Trinity Doctrine Develop ? 11/11
Do historical sources point to the trinity before the Council of Nicea? 5/11
What is the definition of the Trinity? (Not original wording) 11/11
Is the trinity mentioned in the bible? 12/11
Why is the word trinity not in the bible ? 11/11
Is the trinity biblical? 5/11
What are some arguments against the Trinity? 3/11
JW's can you prove through the bible ALONE that the trinity doctrine is false ? 3/11
What are some Trinities in religion besides the "Christian" one? 9/12
There is a tendency in [pagan] religious history for the gods to be grouped in threes (Not original wording) 3/11
Is it possible to be a Christian yet believe in the Pagan trinity at the same time ? 4/11
Will God reject those who insist on believing in this pagan, unscriptural doctrine? 4/11
Where would I find any scripture that says that God is made up of three distinct persons, Father, Son, and holy spirit, but that the three are only one God? 11/11
Not one scripture of a vision, dream, or clear description wherein God is shown as three persons can be found. (Not original wording) 4/11
What does the trinity mean in the bible? 12/11
Why do people believe in the Trinity? 2/13
Why do people believe in the Trinity? 10/11
What is a powerful scripture that shows the Trinity wrong (showing Jesus is below God)? (A list of questions) 12/11
Since the Trinity doctrine is supposedly so important, then why doesn't the Bible say: " God is one, being three, are one God ..." ? 11/11
Why Can’t I Find The Term “God The Son” Anywhere In The Bible? 11/11
Why is God the Son not phrased in the Bible? 5/11
Why did Jesus not use his life on Earth to make the trinity clear for all to know without doubt ? 11/11
Does Trinity really make sense to you? (A list of questions) 10/11
According to Trinitarian Reasoning, Is Not Moses Also God? 8/11
When it all boils down does it really matter if you believe the trinity or not as long as you accept Jesus? 5/11

Why do Jehovah's Witnesses call their religion the "Truth"? 2/13
Does it matter to God if what you believe is the truth or not? 2/12

Valentine's Day
Christians: Do you celebrate Valentine's Day? If NOT.... why? 2/13

Video Games
Jehovah's Witnesses ~ Need your Advice on Two Video Games? 6/13
Do Jehovah's Witnesses get fired if they play games such as call of duty? 12/11

Did the early Christians refuse to engage in war? 8/13

Watchtower and Awake
Watchtower and "Awake!" magazines stats (NOW) 1 YA

Wedding Rings
JW's,...what is the origin of wedding bands , & furthermore are Witnesses permitted to utilize them ? 9/12
Who was it that asked me the question about? 12/11
Do Jehovah's Witnesses wear wedding rings? 2/11

If God is so powerful, why doesn't he just wipe Hell and the Devil out? (Why does God permit wickedness?) 9/11
Why is there suffering in the world? (Not orginial wording; #2 of answer) 6/11

Why did Jesus refuse the cup of wine and myrrh/gall? 9/12

Does anyone really believe the wine Jesus drank was non-alcoholic ? 3/11
Just before he died, Christ accepted some sour wine for his thirst. (Not original wording) 1/12

Women keeping silent in the church? 1/13
What does the bible really say about women? 3/11
Based on the passage in the Bible about modesty, do woman have to be covered from head to toe? 7/12

Jehovah's Witnesses, Why is worshiping Jesus wrong when the scriptures tell Christians to do so? 8/12

Does the fact that worship is given to Jesus prove that he is God? 1 year ago*
Christians: Why cite references to Jesus being 'worshipped' when that is not the basic meaning of proskuneo? 2/12

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